Organization: UN Children's Fund
UNICEF is a major humanitarian actor, and it is important that evaluation is undertaken to improve accountability for results and produce organizational lessons learned. The course presents a concrete emergency scenario that guides participants through the evaluation process before, during and after an emergency. It underlines the importance of evaluation to advance UNICEF accountability and leaning goals as outlined in the Core Commitments for Children in Humanitarian Action and it provides some concrete guidance.
Learning objectives
At the end of this course you will:
- Understand that UNICEF is a major humanitarian actor
- Know how to prepare for handling an emergency in your own country office. M&E in emergencies can happen to anyone, so advance preparation is a key.
- Understand how evaluation during emergencies is different, but also rooted in the same evaluation principles that were touched upon in previous modules.
The course is open to all UNICEF staff, in particular those involved in monitoring and evaluation activities who are interested in developing greater awareness regarding evaluation in humanitarian settings. This would include monitoring and evaluation staff seeking to grow professionally and strengthen the evaluation function, as well as relevant staff who would like to improve their understanding of evaluation in humanitarian situations.
Length / Dates
It will take you approximately 1-2 hours to complete the course.
Delivery methodology
This course is composed of six animated modules, including various resources and interactive exercises.
The course is composed of 6 modules including:
- Introduction
- Prior to the emergency onset
- Month 1 to 3 of the emergency response
- Month 3 to 6 of the emergency response
- Month 6 and beyond of the emergency response
- Conclusion
Other information
The course is not a technical training on evaluation theories, approaches and methods. For more in-depth technical material and training, as well as additional information on Country-led and Joint evaluations, please visit:
How to register:
This course is free and open to all on Agora, UNICEF's global hub for learning and development at:
New to Agora? Agora is UNICEF’s Global Hub for Learning and Development. Agora already offers direct access to a great diversity of self-learning opportunities in a searchable catalogue, as well as services such as learning plans, personal records of learning or electronic badges and certificates. Many more activities will be added over the coming months, including local and regional initiatives.
All UNICEF staff (incl. consultants and interns) have a profile on Agora, linked to their organizational account. New users are encouraged to check the Agora Quick Start Guide to learn about basic features of the portal.
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